Short Cut Key To Generate Return Type Eclipes

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1. Text Selection Shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+Left ArrowSelect Previous Element
Ctrl+Shift+Right ArrowSelect Next Element
Shift+Option+Left ArrowSelect Previous Word
Shift+Option+Right ArrowSelect Next Word
Command+Option+AToggle Block Selection
Command+Shift+Left ArrowSelect Line to Start
Command+Shift+Right ArrowSelect Line to End

The Key Assist action which can be invoked by clicking Ctrl + Shift + L shows us all the accelerators or shortcut keys available in Eclipse. The key combination assigned to an action can be changed using the Keys preference page. May 05, 2010 6 thoughts on “ Add comments and Javadocs in Eclipse with a single keystroke ” Byron on May 6, 2010 at 10:26 pm said: Post updated thanks to Sancar Gazi at DZone who pointed out that Ctrl+Shift+C is easier on QWERTZ keyboard (eg.

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Download now the serial number for Logic Pro 9. All serial numbers are genuine and you can find more results in our database for Logic software. Updates are issued periodically and new results might be added for this applications from our community. Logic pro 9 serial key generator for synapse x.

The following table lists all the short cut keys available in the PeopleCode Editor. The short cut keys for Application Designer are not listed. Sep 02, 2014 Copy current line below: Crtl + Alt + Down arrow. Very handy shortcut if you have a line of code and need one that is very similar to it. Just stand on the line and hit Crtl + Alt + Down arrow to have a copy of it below it’s current location.

2. Text Editing Shortcuts
Command+DDelete Line
Shift+EnterInsert Line Below current line
Command+Shift+EnterInsert Line Above current line
Command+Shift+DelDelete to End of Line
Command+Option+Up ArrowCopy line above Current line
Command+Option+Down ArrowCopy line below Current line
Option+DelDelete Next Word
Option+BkspaceDelete Previous Word
Option+Up ArrowMove line Up
Option+Down ArrowMove line Down
Ctrl+.Complete the Word
Command+Shift+OOrganize Imports
Command+/Toggle Comment
Command+Left ArrowStart line
Command+Right ArrowEnd Line
Command+C/Command+X/Command+VCopy /Cut/Paste Text
Command+EOprn Editor

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3. Java Source Code Editing
Command+Ctrl+/Add Block Element
Command+Ctrl+Remove Block Element
Command+Shift+MAdd Import
Command+Option+JAdd Javadoc Comment
Command+Option+OToggle Mark Ocurences
Command+Option+URemove Occurences Annotations
Command+Option+ZSurround With Quick Menu

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4. Quick Assist Shortcuts
Command+2FAssign to Field
Command+2LAssign to Local Variable
Command+2RRename in File

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5. Navigation Shortcuts
Command+LGo to Line
Command+OQuick Outline
F3Move Cursor to Declaration
Command+,Go to Previous Problem
Command+Shift+PWith a bracket selected: jump to the matching closing or opening bracket

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6. Refactoring Shortcuts
Command+Option+MExtract Method
Command+Option+CCharge Method Signature
Command+Option+LExtract Local Variable
Command+Option+RRename Refactor
Command+Option+TShow Refactor Quick Menu
Command+Option+VMove Refactor

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7. Find and Replace Shortcuts
Command+Shift+KFind Previous
Command+Shift+GSearch Refrences in workspace
Command+Shift+UShow Occureences in File Quick Menu
Command+FFind anf Replace
Command+Option+GFind Text in WorkSpace
Ctrl+HOpen Search Dialog

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8. Debugging
Command+Ctrl+Option+DADebug Java Applet
Command+Ctrl+Option+DEDebug Eclipse Application
Command+Ctrl+Option+DJDebug Java Application
Command+Ctrl+Option+DODebug OSGI Framework
Command+Ctrl+Option+DPDebug Junit Plug-in Test
Command+Ctrl+Option+DQDebug Ant Build
Command+Ctrl+Option+DTDebug Junit Test
Command+RRun to Line
Shift+Option+DRDebug on Server

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9. Run
Command+Option+XARun Java Applet
Command+Option+XERun Eclipse Application
Command+Option+XJRun Java Application
Command+Option+XORun OSGI Framework
Command+Option+XPRun Junit Plug-in Test
Command+Option+XQRun Ant Build
Command+Option+XTRun Junit Test
Shift+Option+XRRun on Server

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10. Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Command+.Next Window
Command+1Quick Fix
Command+Backward History
Command+QLast Edit Location
Ctrl+DEnd of File
Command+GDeclaration in Workspace
Option+NNew local task
Command+=Zoom in
Command+Shift+ROpen Resource
Command+Shift+Option+MOpen Menifest
Command+Shift+MMaximize Part of Task
Command+Shift+>Previous Window
Command+Option+SDisplay Source Quick Menu
Command+Option+FForce Return
Command+Option+RShow in….
Ctrl+Shift+QQuick Different Toggle
Ctrl+Shift+SpacebarContext information
Ctrl+SpacebarContent assist
Ctrl+Option+HOpen Call Hierarchy
Shift+Option+GGenerate Code
Shift+Option+SSubmit Task
Command+3Focus to Quick Access
Command+F11Run the Current Upload Java Classs
F4Show Type Hierarchy of Current java class
Command+MMaximize Java editor
Command+Shift+PMove Cursor to Matching Bracket

How To Create Shortcut Keys

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11. Task View Shortcuts
Shift+Option+CMark Task complete
Shift+Option+IMark Task Incomplete
Shift+Option+RMark as Read
Shift+Option+UMark as Unread
Shift+Option+Up ArrowMark as Read and Move to Previous
Shift+Option+Down ArrowMark as Unread and Move to Next
Shift+Option+NNew Subtask
Command+EnterOpen Selected Task
Option+Up ArrowGo to Previous Unread Task
Option+Down ArrowGo to Next Unread Task

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IntelliJ IDEA provides multiple ways to generate common code constructs and recurring elements, which helps you increase productivity. These can be either predefined or custom templates that are applied differently based on the context, various wrappers, and automatic pairing of characters.

Additionally, IntelliJ IDEA provides code completion and Emmet support.

From the main menu, select Code GenerateAlt+Insert to open the popup menu with available constructs that you can generate.

Generate constructors

IntelliJ IDEA can generate a constructor that initializes specific class fields using values of corresponding arguments.

Generate a constructor for a class

  1. On the Code menu, click GenerateAlt+Insert.

  2. In the Generate popup, click Constructor.

  3. If the class contains fields, select the fields to be initialized by the constructor and click OK.

The following code fragment shows the result of generating a constructor for a class:

public class MyClass { int aInteger; double bDouble; public MyClass(int myAIntegerParam, double myBDoubleParam) { aInteger = myAIntegerParam; bDouble = myBDoubleParam; }}

Generate delegation methods

IntelliJ IDEA can generate methods that delegate behavior to the fields or methods of your class. This approach makes it possible to give access to the data of a field or method without directly exposing this field or method.

Generate a delegation method for a class

  1. On the Code menu, click GenerateAlt+Insert.

  2. In the Generate popup, click Delegate Methods.

  3. Select the target field or method, and click OK.

  4. Select the desired methods to be delegated and click OK.

The following code fragment shows the result of delegating the get(i) method of the Calendar class inside another class:

Calendar calendar;public int get(int i) { return calendar.get(i);}

Generate equals() and hashCode() methods

The Java super class java.lang.Object provides two methods for comparing objects:

  • public boolean equals(Object obj) returns true if the object passed to it as the argument is equal to the object on which this method is invoked. By default, this means that two objects are stored in the same memory address.

  • public int hashCode() returns the hash code value of the object on which this method is invoked. The hash code must not change during one execution of the application but may change between executions.

It is generally necessary to override the hashCode() method if you override equals() because the contract for hashCode() is that it must produce the same result for objects that are equal. For more information, see the API specification for the Object class.

Generate equals() and hashCode() for a class

  1. From the Code menu, click GenerateAlt+Insert.

  2. In the Generate popup, click equals() and hashCode().

  3. Select a velocity template from the Template list.

    You can also click to open the Templates dialog, where you can select an existing template or create a custom template.

  4. Select checkboxes if you want to accept subclasses and use getters during code generation.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Select the fields that should be used to determine equality, and click Next.

  7. Select the fields to use for calculating the hash code value. You can choose only from fields that were selected on the previous step (for determining equality). Click Next.

  8. Select the fields that contain non-null values. This optional step helps the generated code avoid checks for null and thus improves performance. Click Finish.

If the overrides for equals() and hashCode() methods already exist in the class, you will be prompted whether you want to delete them before generating new ones.

The following code fragment shows the result of overriding the equals() and hashCode() methods:

public boolean equals(Object o){ if(thiso)return true; if(onull getClass()!=o.getClass())return false; FixedRateCurrencyExchangeService that=(FixedRateCurrencyExchangeService)o; if(,rate)!=0)return false; return true; }public int hashCode(){ long temp=rate!=+0.0d?Double.doubleToLongBits(rate):0L; return int(temp^(temp>>>32)); }

Generate getters and setters

IntelliJ IDEA can generate accessor and mutator methods (getters and setters) for the fields in your classes. Generated methods have only one argument, as required by the JavaBeans API.

The getter and setter method names are generated by IntelliJ IDEA according to your code generation naming preferences.

Generate getters and setters for a class:

  1. On the Code menu, click GenerateAlt+Insert.

  2. In the Generate popup, click one of the following:

    • Nouveau logicielnet free steam key generator. Getter to generate accessor methods for getting the current values of class fields.

    • Setter to generate mutator methods for setting the values of class fields.

    • Getter and Setter to generate both accessor and mutator methods.

  3. Select the fields to generate getters or setters for and click OK.

    You can add a custom getter or setter method by clicking and accessing the Getter/Setter Templates dialog. If a field is not in the list, then the corresponding getter and setter methods are already defined for it.

The following code fragment shows the result of generating the getter and setter methods for a class with one field var:

public class MyClass { int field; public int getField() { return field; } public void setField(int field) { this.field = field; }}

Note for PHP

This feature is only supported in the Ultimate edition.

The following is only valid when the PHP plugin is installed and enabled.

In the PHP context, getters and setters are generated using the PHP getter/setter file template. By default, as specified in these templates, setters are generated with the set prefix and getters with the set or get prefix according to the inferred field type boolean or con-boolean. The prefix is the value of the ${GET_OR_IS} variable in the default getter template. The default template is configured in the Code tab on the File and Code Templates page of the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S.

Generate toString()

The toString() method of the Java super class java.lang.Object returns the string representation of the object. This method can be used to print any object to the standard output, for example, to quickly monitor the execution of your code. By default, toString() returns the name of the class followed by the hash code of the object. You can override it to return the values of the object's fields, for example, which can be more informative for your needs.

Short Cut Key To Generate Return Type Eclipse Glasses

Override the toString() method for a class

  1. On the Code menu, click GenerateAlt+Insert.

  2. In the Generate popup, click toString().

  3. Configure the following:

    • Select the template for generating the toString() method from the Template list.

    • Select the fields that you want to return in the generated toString() method. By default, all the available fields are selected. Click Select None to generate a toString() method that returns only the class name.

    • Select the Insert @Override checkbox if necessary.

    • Click the Settings button to open the toString() Generation Settings dialog. where you can tune the behavior and add custom templates.

  4. Click OK.

If the toString() method is already defined in the class, by default, you will be prompted whether you would like to delete this method before proceeding. You can use the When method already exists group of options in the toString() Generation Settings dialog to change this behavior: either automatically replace existing method or generate a duplicating method.

The following code fragment shows the result of generating the toString() method for a class with several fields defined:

public class MyClass { private String name; private String url; private int port; private String[] validIPs; .. public String toString() { return 'MyClass{' + 'name=' + name + '' + ', url=' + url + '' + ', port=' + port + ', validIps=' + Arrays.toString(validIps) + '}'; } ..}

The following code inspections are related to the toString() method:

  • Class does not override 'toString()' method can be used to identify classes in which the toString() method is not defined. This inspection uses the exclude settings to ignore classes with fields that are not supposed to be dumped. An additional setting is to exclude certain classes using a regular expression matching their class name. As default, this is used to exclude any exception classes.

  • Field not used in 'toString()' method can be used to identify fields that are not dumped in the toString() method. For example, if you added new fields to a class, but forgot to add them to the toString() method. Change the severity of this inspection to show errors as warnings. This will highlight any unused fields in the editor and indicate their location as yellow markers on the scroll bar.

Custom code generation templates

Templates used for generating getters and setters, as well as equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods are written in the Velocity template language. Although you can't modify predefined templates, you can add your own custom templates to implement necessary behavior.

IntelliJ IDEA provides the following variables for Velocity templates:

The following variables can be used in templates for generating getters and setters:




The current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


The current class.


Provides access to various code generation helper methods.


Provides the ability to format names according to the current code style.


Field for which getter or setter is generated.

The following variables can be used in templates for generating the toString() method:




The current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


The current class.


Provides access to various code generation helper methods.


Provides the ability to format names according to the current code style.


List of fields in the current class.

The following variables can be used in templates for generating the equals() method:




The current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


The current class.


Provides access to various code generation helper methods.


Provides the ability to format names according to the current code style.


List of fields in the current class.


Predefined name of the object on which the equals() method is called.


Predefined name of the equals() method parameter.


The name of the parameter in the equals() method of the superclass if applicable.


Option passed from the wizard.


Whether the superclass has equals() declared.

Shortcut Key To Generate Return Type Eclipse 2016

The following variables can be used in templates for generating the hashCode() method:




The current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


The current class.


Provides access to various code generation helper methods.


Provides the ability to format names according to the current code style.


List of fields in the current class.


Whether the superclass has hashCode() declared.

In IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, the code completion popup is available for custom code generation template variables. Users of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition can refer to the relevant source code.