Azure Generate Storage Account Key

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  1. Azure Storage Account Sas Key
  2. Azure Storage Account Key
  3. Azure Storage Account Key Format
  4. What Is Storage Account Key In Azure

When you create a storage account, Azure generates two 512-bit storage account access keys. These keys can be used to authorize access to data in your storage account via Shared Key authorization.

  • Apr 17, 2019:param str accountname: The storage account name used to generate the shared access signatures.:param str accountkey: The access key to generate the shares access signatures.:param userdelegationkey: Instead of an account key, the user could pass in a user delegation key.
  • May 22, 2019  I have App Service on Azure trying to generate SAS token using the RBAC role Assignment. For the time being, I even assigned the identity as 'Owner' role but still it cannot generate SAS token. It says, I need a Account Key Credentials. If I have to provide Account Key in the code, then doesn't it defeat the purpose of Managed Identity.
  • I am starting with Windows Azure. I have an Azure account with Microsoft and would like to use it from my Visual Studio project. In the Azure management portal, I can see the primary access key and secondary access key. However Visual Studio needs the account name and account key. Are these related or am I missing something?

Jun 13, 2018  A single Azure Key Vault can have many secrets. Start by creating the Azure Key Vault as seen in Figure 1. Figure 1, how to create an Azure Key Vault. After its creation, create a Secret by clicking the Secrets link and then Generate/Import as seen in Figure 2. Figure 2, create an Azure Key Vault Secret. Then create the Secret Name and value.

Microsoft recommends that you use Azure Key Vault to manage your access keys, and that you regularly rotate and regenerate your keys. Using Azure Key Vault makes it easy to rotate your keys without interruption to your applications. You can also manually rotate your keys.

Protect your access keys

Your storage account access keys are similar to a root password for your storage account. Always be careful to protect your access keys. Use Azure Key Vault to manage and rotate your keys securely. Avoid distributing access keys to other users, hard-coding them, or saving them anywhere in plain text that is accessible to others. Rotate your keys if you believe they may have been compromised.

If possible, use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to authorize requests to Blob and Queue storage instead of Shared Key. Azure AD provides superior security and ease of use over Shared Key. For more information about authorizing access to data with Azure AD, see Authorize access to Azure blobs and queues using Azure Active Directory.

View access keys and connection string

To view and copy your storage account access keys or connection string from the Azure portal:

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal.

  2. Locate your storage account.

  3. Under Settings, select Access keys. Your account access keys appear, as well as the complete connection string for each key.

  4. Find the Key value under key1, and click the Copy button to copy the account key.

  5. Alternately, you can copy the entire connection string. Find the Connection string value under key1, and click the Copy button to copy the connection string.

    Windows 8.1 pro upgrade key generator

You can use either key to access Azure Storage, but in general it's a good practice to use the first key, and reserve the use of the second key for when you are rotating keys.

To view or read an account's access keys, the user must either be a Service Administrator, or must be assigned an RBAC role that includes the Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action. Some built-in RBAC roles that include this action are the Owner, Contributor, and Storage Account Key Operator Service Role roles. For more information about the Service Administrator role, see Classic subscription administrator roles, Azure RBAC roles, and Azure AD roles. For detailed information about built-in roles for Azure Storage, see the Storage section in Azure built-in roles for Azure RBAC.

Use Azure Key Vault to manage your access keys

Microsoft recommends using Azure Key Vault to manage and rotate your access keys. Your application can securely access your keys in Key Vault, so that you can avoid storing them with your application code. For more information about using Key Vault for key management, see the following articles:

Manually rotate access keys

Microsoft recommends that you rotate your access keys periodically to help keep your storage account secure. If possible, use Azure Key Vault to manage your access keys. If you are not using Key Vault, you will need to rotate your keys manually.

Two access keys are assigned so that you can rotate your keys. Having two keys ensures that your application maintains access to Azure Storage throughout the process.


Regenerating your access keys can affect any applications or Azure services that are dependent on the storage account key. Any clients that use the account key to access the storage account must be updated to use the new key, including media services, cloud, desktop and mobile applications, and graphical user interface applications for Azure Storage, such as Azure Storage Explorer.

Follow this process to rotate your storage account keys:

  1. Update the connection strings in your application code to use the secondary key.
  2. Regenerate the primary access key for your storage account. On the Access Keys blade in the Azure portal, click Regenerate Key1, and then click Yes to confirm that you want to generate a new key.
  3. Update the connection strings in your code to reference the new primary access key.
  4. Regenerate the secondary access key in the same manner.


Microsoft recommends using only one of the keys in all of your applications at the same time. If you use Key 1 in some places and Key 2 in others, you will not be able to rotate your keys without some application losing access.

To rotate an account's access keys, the user must either be a Service Administrator, or must be assigned an RBAC role that includes the Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/regeneratekey/action. Some built-in RBAC roles that include this action are the Owner, Contributor, and Storage Account Key Operator Service Role roles. For more information about the Service Administrator role, see Classic subscription administrator roles, Azure RBAC roles, and Azure AD roles. For detailed information about built-in RBAC roles for Azure Storage, see the Storage section in Azure built-in roles for Azure RBAC.

Next steps

In this scenario, you want to provide your customer with a secured URL to download a file from Azure Storage. You can do this programmatically of course but another option is to use the Azure Storage Explorer to create a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for your customer. Then provide the URL necessary with the SAS so that they can download the resource securely over HTTPS.

It is important to note, that the SAS is the key into this file (or container) and like any key… You need to carefully consider how you use and/or distribute this information!

It is assumed you have an Azure Account and a basic knowledge of how to use your Azure Portal to access resources. You can do this walkthrough on Windows or Linux

Install Azure Storage Explorer - This page has the download link for Windows and Linux:

Open Azure Storage Explorer, and sign in using your Azure Account credentials.

Choose an existing Storage Account or create a new one and select this account (in my example I am using the existing ‘jeffs’ Storage Account).

Select the Storage Account you are using and click on the ‘Blob Containers’ node, Either choose an existing Blob Container or, create a new one by right clicking on the ‘Blob Containers’ node and choose ‘Create New’:

In the example below I selected an existing Storage Account called ‘jeffs’ and created a container called ‘filexfer’.

Ensure that the Container ‘Access policy’ is set to Private:

Now upload a file to the Blob Container. Simply click on the Blob container and choose ‘Upload Files…’:

Select the file from the ‘…’ button and keep the rest of the defaults and hit the upload button:

Generate Shared Access Signature for the file

You now can generate a SAS. Right click on the file and select ‘Get Shared Access Signature…’ :

Azure Storage Account Sas Key

Set the Expiry time for the SAS for whatever you determine best suits your needs and set the permissions. In this case, I am setting it for two years and only giving Read permissions and hit the Create button:

(NOTE: If you app is writing multiple files to the container and you want to generate a SAS for then entire container (instead of one specific to this particular file) you can check the ‘Generate container-level… ‘ option here)

In the next screen simply copy and save the URL that was generated:

Now you can provide the URL to your customer and they can use this to securely download the file you have provided in Azure Storage!

Let me know if this was useful to you! This only scratches the surface and I provided this since there was not a simple walkthrough to get you started. Make sure you understand the security implications of a long lifetime SAS like I showed here! Here is some more information for you to research:

Azure Storage Account Key

Blob Storage: Generate public key ssh tectia.

You can create storage, SAS tokens and upload files programmatically as well:

Upload the file to storage using the key. - relevant section for you is the ‘Upload a blob into a container’

Using shared access signatures (SAS) &

Azure Storage Account Key Format

Retrieve the file from storage in an app (You do NOT want to give the customer your storage key)

Getting Started with Shared Access Signatures (SAS)

What Is Storage Account Key In Azure

Get started with Storage Explorer (Preview)